Tuesday, December 13, 2011

030 - light whiskers twelve

this series comes from a set of images created while working on the cover of 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

the day before

So, having decided on the title "Wintrospection", this 100 days project is going to be all about me, thinking about myself in a long cold winter... maybe...
I did not pick a theme for the summer variant "Magpie Days", I just bounced around where ever took my fancy. This time, I'm thinking along a theme of winter/inside/interiors, maybe using familiar objects as a kick off point. I intend this blog to be mainly visual in nature, sometimes photographic, sometimes (ahem) art or images developed from photographs. Don't be surprised if old habits die hard and I steal images from other participants to work with!